Keeping food fresh is not always easy, specially when produce is organic and does not contain any artificial or chemical preservatives that conventional and industrial agriculture uses. However there is always an optimal method of keeping groceries at their best and preserving the nutrition. Here is a list of hacks to Keep Groceries Fresh for Longer.
1. Tomatoes – Do not refrigerate them. Tomatoes should never go in the fridge, it will make them tasteless and loose their juiciness. Keep them at room temperature but away from sunlight.
2. Avocados – Let them ripen at room temperature. Avocados should not ripen in the fridge, keep them at room temperature, if you want to accelerate the ripening process close them up in some paper bags. When ripe you should keep them in the fridge. Once you have cut it open, best thing is to put it on a plate without the skin and squeeze some lemon on top and keep it in the fridge, this will help oxidation and darkening.
3. Apples – Keep them away from everything else except Potatoes. Apples produce Ethylene gas naturally, which will help oxidize and spoil everything else much quicker. Keep them them n a plastic bag in the fridge and away from the fruit bowl. Ethylene gas however does prevent Potatoes from sprouting, so you might want to put some apples with your potato stash.
4. Potatoes – Keep them in a dry, cool dark place and away from Onions. Keep them away form humidity and sunlight and never store them next to onions they both emit gases that will accelerate their spoilage. Don’t keep them in the fridge either as this will turn some starches into sugars.
5. Berries – wash them with vinegar. Berries go bad pretty quick so wash them in a bowl of water with half a cup of vinegar. It will kill mold and bacteria. Dry them before storing in the fridge.
6. Herbs – treat them like Flowers. Put them in a glass with some water. They will last longer and even grow a bit more. Some can even develop roots and can be planted in soil to grow even more.
7. Bananas – Keep them together. Do not separate bananas until you need to eat them they will ripen more slowly like this.
8. Bread – Freeze it. Bread that does not contain any preservatives will go grow mould fast. If you freeze it will last months and you can always take a slice out and toast it like if it was made in the same day.
10. Mushrooms – in paper bags. Mushrooms like it dry so keep them in the fridge in paper bags which will help absorb humidity. If they get get to dry you can always dip them in water bit and they will bounce back up. Do you know any other hacks to store groceries? We would love to know more and add them to a second part of this post. Send us your storage hacks by leaving us a comment below.

Store salad leaves In the fridge in a contain with a paper towel…
Also line the ‘crisper ‘ drawer in the fridge with paper towels ..change regularly.
All the your tips, above , I already do and they work ?
I wash all my fruit in the organic apple cider vinegar you sell.